May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
surprise. [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2020 20:00:59 GMT
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Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.
[attr="class","complanet-post"] The line moved forward slowly. Clearly the place was popular enough with the peasants. She had to admit that street food wasn’t exactly her forte, but it would have to do for now, since her stomach was growling fiercely. And if worst case scenario came to pass, then she was certain her Fletchinder, who was waiting patiently along with her, wouldn’t mind the food. [break][break] Lost in her own thoughts for a moment, it took her far too long to realize that someone was talking to her, and that that someone wasn’t the chef of the food-stand. “Huh…” Her attention turned to the man who spoke. Something was off about him, a familiar feeling. The pointy stuck-up hair certainly wasn’t familiar, but the voice was. Wait a minute… She thought and then it dawned upon her pretty obviously on her facial expression. [break][break] “Wait, that can’t be. Is it really you Laurence?” Elinor asked as she quickly regained her composure. The sight of the older relative sent a sense of nostalgia through her, though she was yet to determine if it was the good or the bad kind. She had mostly seen him at family gatherings, after all. [break][break] “Oh, one moment.” She remembered that she was actually in a line. She quickly fetched a few bills from her pocket and gave it to her Fletchinder who politely grabbed them with its beak. “Get whatever you want, Fletch.” The bird nodded and turned its attention to the line. She in turn gave Laurence her attention. “So, what brings you to these parts?” She asked politely.
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